Saving CSV using JavaScript

There might be cases, when you have some data at front-end (via AJAX call , etc.) and you need to create a file for users to download it. CSV is simple format to store tabular data in plain text.

Here we will take a look at saving some data directly from browser. The steps are very simple:

  1. Convert data into CSV Format.
  2. Add Headers to the data (optional).
  3. Create a hidden link element and trigger a click on it.

Convert data in CSV Format

There are certain guidelines that a CSV file needs to follow as specified in RFC4180, but to keep things simple, we will follow these rules:

  1. The fields must be separated by , (comma).
  2. The fields can contain any letters and numbers but no quotes and commas.
    3,Terry,Vasquez,Male, // Correct
    3,Terry,"Vas'qu,ez",Male, // This is also correct CSV,
                                           // but the example code may not work
                                           // with such data
  3. Each line must end with with a line-break expect the last line
    1,Timothy,Hamilton,Male, \n
  4. The last field in a line must no be followed by a comma.
    3,Terry,Vasquez,Male,, // Wrong
    3,Terry,Vasquez,Male,  // Correct

Keeping this basic rules in mind, lets begin:

const data = [
  [1, 'Timothy', 'Hamilton', 'Male', ''],
  [2, 'Jose', 'Parker', 'Male', ''],
  [3, 'Terry', 'Vasquez', 'Male', ''],
  [4, 'Ruby', 'Rose', 'Female', ''],
  [5, 'Lawrence', 'Henderson', 'Male', ''],
  [6, 'Jeffrey', 'Campbell', 'Male', ''],
  [7, 'Jack', 'Torres', 'Male', ''],
  [8, 'Rachel', 'Stanley', 'Female', ''],
  [9, 'Gregory', 'Pierce', 'Male', ''],
  [10, 'Ronald', 'Hanson', 'Male', ''],

let csvData = '';

data.forEach((row) => {
  csvData += '\n';
  csvData += row.reduce((prev, col) => `${prev},${col}`, '').slice(1);

Add Headers to data

If you have headers for your data, you can add them. They must follow the same rules as the data.

csvData = 'id,first_name,last_name,gender,ip_address' + csvData;

Now it’s time to create a link/button to down load the CSV File

const hiddenElement = document.createElement('a');

hiddenElement.href = `data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,${encodeURI(csvData)}`; = '_blank'; = 'download.csv';

The Final Result

Sample code from JSFiddle.
