Hello World!

Hello readers, as you can guess from the title, this is my first blog post and this one of my new year resolutions for 2015. I’ve put together a list of goals, that I’ve set for myself and hopefully publishing this to keep myself on track. So here we go…

Learn AngularJS

I know! It’s the “cool kid on the block” that everyone should know. But I didn’t get a chance to do so. Sure, I’ve fiddled around with it, but not to an extent where I can call myself “Angular developer”. Even at work, we use backbone.js. So, this year, I’ve decided to give it a go and try to learn the ins and outs of it. I’ve also read about Angular 2.0, which will be a major shift from Angular 1.x.. But what the heck, I love learning new stuff and this shall not stop me.

This may sound stereotypical, but I really want to build an open source project which can be useful not only for me but to others too. I feel, I’m already on this path with my php port of prism.js, which I named prism.php (obviously). Once it’s stable enough, I’ll integrate it in this very site and you can see it in action. If you are interested, you can grab a peek at it here.

Learn NodeJS

It’s not that I haven’t started learning NodeJS. I’ve created a couple of gulp plugins as a learning process but I’m still far away to call myself a “Node Developer”.

Keep writing

I’ve been postponing writing a blog since long. But, now I shall try to write at least a couple of blogs per month.


This is a never ending struggle but I really want to do this. It would be the most difficult task for me and I must complete it.

And You?

These were my goals. What are yours? Let me know in the comments below or at twitter @_vkbansal
